Skills Bootcamp

The Government is investing in Skills Bootcamps to train up to 11,000 people to become HGV drivers. The move will help tackle skills shortages and support more people to launch new careers within the logistics sector.

What Skills Bootcamps are available?

Skills Bootcamps in HGV driving are now available. Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible courses that last up to 16 weeks. Participants that are looking for a new job, and successfully complete the course, are also guaranteed a job interview with a local employer. The free, short, intensive HGV courses will train drivers to be road-ready (and gain a cat C or cat C&E licence), helping to tackle the current HGV driver shortage. You can find out more about Skills Bootcamps here: Free courses for jobs – GOV.UK (

Are Skills Bootcamps in HGV driving for me?

You are eligible to apply for a Skills Bootcamp in HGV driving if you are aged 19 or over and are employed, self-employed, have recently become unemployed (in the past 12 months), or are returning to work after a break. You will also need to have a full UK driving licence. There will be a range of courses on offer to suit varying levels of experience, so you may be interested in applying for a Skills Bootcamp in HGV driving if you:

  • have no, or limited, experience in HGV driving and you’re interested in starting a new job in the industry
  • require additional HGV qualifications, such as Accord Dangereux Routier (“ADR”)
  • wish to upgrade from driving licence category C to category C+E
  • are returning to the HGV profession

How do I apply to be on a Skills Bootcamp to be an HGV driver?

By completing the registration form at