Lancaster Training Services Ltd (LTS) operates training programmes in light and heavy Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair. These training programmes are Government-funded through the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). LTS has been providing these programmes since 1982.

In order to provide the right people with the correct qualifications and to meet ESFA contract requirements, all our training programmes involve ‘on and off-the-job' training. To meet the ‘on-the-job’ training requirement LTS need a network of local employers willing to give the opportunity for young people to put their ‘new skills’ into practice under normal working conditions e.g. in the workplace.

LTS hope that any apprentice recruited by an employer will fit into the organisation and contribute a high standard of work, effort and commitment.

Our Training Coordinator will maintain regular contact with the employer and monitor the learner’s performance, attendance and progress throughout the training programme.

How the scheme works

Each year we receive a number of applications to join our training programmes (predominantly school leavers). All applicants go through a rigorous selection, recruitment and interview process to ensure their suitability, degree of motivation, enthusiasm etc.  The young people who meet the criteria are accepted onto the programme.  Meanwhile, our Training Co-ordinator has been checking on the demands from the trade for new recruits. Employers have usually been identified during the previous year. This forms a two-way process, employers contact LTS and LTS contact, possible employers.

Once a workplace has been identified LTS arrange a visit to an employer's premises to ensure the organisation can meet the requirements of the ‘on-the job’ training part of the programme e.g. Health and Safety, insurance’s etc.  Next, we match a number of learners to the duties, tasks and requirements of the employer's work.  Those selected attend the employer’s premises for informal interviews to ensure the right apprentice is recruited.

The person selected a series of links to help will then attend a 3-day induction programme before starting work.

During the first two weeks at LTS, the learner and the employer sign an agreement to accept the conditions, which apply to the training programme. We visit the learner during the programme - usually about every 8-12 weeks.  Off-the-job training is arranged on a day-release basis, and takes place at our Training Centre in Heysham.

Useful LINKS for Employers

Equal Opportunities

Disability & Equality Statement

Equality Act 2010 Information

Good Equality Practice for Employers 

Customer Complaints/Grievance and Appeals Procedure

PREVENT Employers Responsibilities

Health & Safety Executive - Young Workers

Maximum Weeekly working Hours Guide

Accident and Investigation Policy

Apprenticeships Gov Guide

Supporting Apprentices

Apprenticeship STANDARDS - AutoCare - LIGHT Vehicle Level 3 - Heavy Vehicle Level 3

Contract of Services Example

Training Plan Example

Work-Based Training Record Explained

Schemes of Work

1st Year Light Vehicle SOW 23/24

2nd Year Light Vehicle SOW 23/24

3rd Year Light Vehicle SOW 23/24

1st Year Heavy Vehicle SOW 23/24

2nd Year Heavy Vehicle SOW 23/24

3rd Year Heavy Vehicle SOW 23/24

LMC Full Time SOW 23/24